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We would love and appreciate your help! To volunteer, please send an email to moc.liamg@atpnoynacesidarap .
Dear Valued Community Leadership,
I wanted to give you all an update on the playground at Paradise Canyon Elementary. Each piece of equipment that was damaged or vandalized had been either remediated or replaced.  For those of you who helped support this cause, I cannot thank you enough.  I wish each of you could have listened to the excitement of the students on the first day as they realized that they had a full functioning (and safe) playground. It was definitely the highlight of the first week of school. 
Thank you for allowing me to be a very small part of the process of change here in our community.  It was inspiring to watch different leadership groups come together to solve this problem.  I know that it isn’t always possible to champion every issue that comes across your desk, but it means a lot when you are willing to take the time to hear out even a small issue, like a playground.  In my opinion, there is no issue too small when it comes to building up the next generation. 
For those of you who listened and took this issue seriously, thank you!  Even if it was just an email of support, your involvement was noted and deeply appreciated.  Empathy, open communication and responsiveness to issues within the community go a long way when it comes to results in the ballot box. 
I look forward to working alongside each of you to make our community better each in our own way. 
Lauren Murray
PTA President Paradise Canyon Elementary

PTA Officer’s

  • President
    • Lauren Murray
  • Treasurer
    • MarChe Hindes
  • Secretary
    •  Emily Sonzongni

  • Picture of dual slides
  • Top view of big toy at the playground
  • New crawl tubes at the Playgound toy
  • Fixed Monkey bar spinners on the big toy at the playground.

PTA Birthday Table

  • August 30, 2024

  • September 6, 2024

  • October 4, 2024

  • November 1, 2024

  • December 6, 2024

  • January 10, 2025

  • February 7, 2025

  • March 7, 2025

  • April 4, 2025

  • May 2, 2025